Affiliation: Trinity Guild Representative
Age: 35 years old
Gender: Female | She/Her
Size: Average Indeedee
Height: 162cm
Status: Single
Apprentice: Unavailable

Pela the Indeedee

It is a pleasure to be at your assistance. How may I help?

Type: Psychic | Normal
Ability: Synchronize
Held Item: None
Recruitability Rate: Medium | Permanent Ally
Dungeon Behavior: Support
Known Moves:
❖ Follow Me ❖ Power Split ❖ Psychic Terrain ❖ Heal Pulse

A nanny from an orphanage within a distant city to the north, Pela is someone who is steadfast, confident, and always does her best to the tasks she is given. Before becoming a gijinka, she was raising a few children from the orphanage she used to be from before being chased out due to the disease that has inflicted her.Despite her pleas, the children whom loved her had joined her in her journey and found herself afflicted during a dungeon's mutation. Thankfully due to the help of the Trinity Guild Explorers, she and the children were saved and she is ever so grateful for them.

Affiliation: Trinity Guild Member
Age: 30 years old
Gender: Male | He / Him
Size: Large Muk
Height: 185cm
Status: Single
Apprentice: Unavailable

Mo the Muk

Dude... Like... that's crazy...

Type: Poison
Ability: Sticky Hold
Held Item: None
Recruitability Rate: Medium | Permanent Ally
Dungeon Behavior: He's vibing
Known Moves:
❖ Poison Gas ❖ Minimize ❖ Venoshock ❖ Dark Pulse

Mo grew up with a group of other muks and grimers. Due to his coloration, however, was shunned away as he stuck out like a sore thumb so he moved ever so slowly around without a thought in his brain. Having no real predators wanting to pry with a grimer like him, he eventually evolved, which he himself, has no knowledge of. Actually, he has almost no knowledge of anything. He's simply vibing in life, living his days within Bushheart.Once just a wild muk now part of the guild, he does his work with the... bare minimum of his abilities.

Affiliation: Solace Town | Blacksmith
Age: 60 years old
Gender: Male | He/They
Size: Large Ursaring
Height: 215cm
Status: Single
Apprentice: None

Colman the Ursaring

Hurry up and say what you need to say. I don't got all day.

Type: Normal
Ability: Guts
Held Item: Flame Orb
Recruitability Rate: XX | Temporary Ally
Dungeon Behavior: tba
Known Moves:
❖Facade ❖ High Horsepower ❖ Close Combat ❖ Metal Claw

Once an explorer but now retired, Colman used to be the leader of team Iron Clad, a group of explorers that consisted of himself, a leavanny named Olga, and a Xatu named Martin. He and Olga had decided to leave the Explorer Society, opting to wanting to become craftsmen instead. When the disease had spread to them, they decided to leave the capital and arrived at Solace Town in the invitation of it's guild's leader.He is quite a grumpy and blunt man who seem to be consistently annoyed about everything. It doesn't help that within his home, his brother, who travels away often, leaves five cubs within. When you have to work and have to take care of such rowdy teddiursa, you may become as grumpy as him too.

Affiliation: Solace Town | Seamstress
Age: 57
Gender: Female | She/Her
Size: Average Leavanny
Height: 175cm
Status: Single
Apprentice: None

Olga the leavanny

Would you like to keep this old maid company, sweetie?

Type: Bug | Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll
Held Item: Miracle Seed
Recruitability Rate: XX | Temporary Ally
Dungeon Behavior: tba
Known Moves:
❖ Fell Stinger ❖ Razor Leaf ❖ Helping Hand ❖ Pollen Puff

Once an explorer and a well known model and fashionista within the air continent, Olga is one of the few members of the team Iron Clad, a group of explorers that contained herself, an ursaring named Colman, and a Xatu named Martin. She and Colman had decided to leave the Explorer Society, opting to wanting to become craftsmen instead. When the disease had spread to them, they decided to leave the capital and arrived at Solace Town in the invitation of it's guild's leader.Olga was known for her wits and design skills in the past, people around the world would want to wear and do the same things as her. Now, she wishes simply for a more peaceful life in the countryside, Solace Town, her new home.

Affiliation: Solace Town | Mailman
Age: 35
Gender: Male | He/Him
Size: Small Pelipper
Height: 168cm
Status: Single
Apprentice: None

alain the pelipper

You know what's better than mail? Sleep.

Type: Water | Flying
Ability: Drizzle
Held Item: Damp Rock
Recruitability Rate: XX | Temporary Ally
Dungeon Behavior: tba
Known Moves:
❖ Hurricane ❖ Surf ❖ Roost ❖ Wide Guard

Alain is one of many Pelippers that work within the international Post Office and one of the many unnamed heirs for it. Alain was the smartest of all of these heirs and was destined to take over the Post Association one day, that is until the disease struct him too. His family looked at him with pity upon transformation, sending Alain away to become the manager of the Post Office within Solace Town. In the eyes of his family, this was desertion, for Alain, this was freedom.When not working, Alain would often be found dozing off or sleeping somewhere. He is able to sleep at almost every way, every time, and every situation if given the chance.